Epi 129: Are you Playing the Victim in Your Life?
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We all have ups and downs, and it’s no secret that life throws hard things into our path. After all, why do you think the saying, “Bad things happen to good people,” exists? Yet, when those hard things occur, how we connect to them and how we fix our mindset plays a significant role in the moment and our overall life satisfaction. It also impacts one other major element in our lives. Can you guess what it is?
If you guessed inner peace, you are right.
So, let’s take a one-on-one deep dive into our mindsets and whether or not you play the victim in your daily life. This is an extensive conversation about identifying the small daily behaviors and habits that create the biggest divide between feeling empowered and feeling negatively impacted, I’m handing over the signs that you are living in full victim mode, and of course, we’ll be talking about how to change course from victim to victor.
So, let’s dive right in.
Key Takeaways:
00:00 Introduction
02:26 There’s a massive difference between being a victim and playing the victim—we cannot change what we do not understand or witness
03:40 A set of questions to gauge your mindset
06:14 Trigger warning. This conversation often makes us feel
09:08 The definition of playing the victim and examples of the statements we say when in victim-mode
12:34 Behavior 1: Not taking responsibility
18:54 Exploring how to take responsibility
21:05 Behavior 2: Believing you are at the mercy of everything and everyone else
23:45 Examining your active role of control
25:07 Behavior 3: Holding grudges
27:25 Examining acceptance
29:03 Behavior 4: Lack of trust
30:30 Examining the evidence to build trust
32:32 Behavior 5: Not knowing when enough is enough
35:01 Behavior 6: Tend to argue over everything
36:33 Breaking down the need to fight back
37:30 Behavior 7: Self-pity
39:57 Finding a new perspective to get out of self-pity
40:13 Behavior 8: Comparing our lives to others
42:00 Leaning into gratitude to understand what is present
42:29 Behavior 9: Perfectionism
44:29 Behavior 10: Cutting people out of their lives
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